Wednesday 3 April 2013

Metal gear solid V: The phantom pain & ground zeroes game preview trailer screenshots

Metal gear solid V: the phantom pain & ground zeroes, metal gear solid V game trailer, metal gear solid V game preview, metal gear solid V game screenshots

Metal Gear Solid V:The phantom pain & ground Zeroes:

Sagas will come back to the present generation of consoles with the Metal gear solid V:The phantom pain & ground zeroes after three long years and the metal gear solid 5 game trailer revealed.But so many questions raised from the fans;who are the new characters? Why David Hayter doing the voice of snake? what happened to big boss?.

But we have few answers for many questions.We have the little information about the game,we'll try to find some of its secrets.One reason was about the next installment in what is arguably the greatest video game saga all time.

By the end of the story Solid snake of metal gear solid 4,the fans didn't know what will happen in new Metal gear solid V.The tale of solid snake game was closed By Kojima with a great story,but he is ready to release another game because he don't have the right story at that time.Now he released  the new Metal gear V:The phantom pain & ground zeroes with the great story.

We don't have any information from the last two years,but Kojima started back to recruiting the staff in February 2012 by using a poster of the beloved Big boss.From this moment we getting more and more information about this game and characters.In that year,kojima revealed the logo of a new unit under the name "Diamond Dogs" and he released some pictures during the rumors about game.

That’s all the confirmed information that we have about the Metal gear solid V: The phantom pain &ground zeroes.........

Metal gear solid V game screenshots:

Metal gear solid V game screenshots

Metal gear solid V game screenshots

Metal gear solid V game screenshots

Metal gear solid V game screenshots

Metal gear solid V game screenshots

Metal gear solid V game screenshots

Metal gear solid V game screenshots

Metal Gear solid V game Trailer 1:

In this video you will watch the Metal Gear solid V game preview after this you will see the another Metal gear solid V game trailer.........
enjoy the Metal gear solid V game trailer's....

Metal gear solid V game trailer 2:

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